How much Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax will your family owe?
Pennsylvania is one of only 6 states with an Inheritance tax.
Pennsylvania Inheritance tax is imposed on almost all your property that is passed on to your beneficiaries through a will, heirs through intestacy, or transferees by legal operation. The tax rate varies based on the relationship between the heir and the deceased.
In Pennsylvania, the inheritance tax rates are as follows:
No tax on transfers to a surviving spouse, a surviving child aged 21 or younger or to a surviving parent of a child aged 21 or younger.
4.5% on transfers to direct descendants and lineal heirs, like children and grandchildren.
12% on transfers to siblings.
15% on transfers to other heirs, excluding charitable organizations, exempt institutions, and government entities exempt from tax.
You can use this calculator to estimate the amount of Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax your family will owe at your death.
This calculator is for demonstration only. Your actual Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax will depend on many factors. Please consult with an attorney.