Contact Us for a Free Consultation 570-468-7603

With Families...

As a husband and father, I understand the importance of making sure your loved ones are protected and provided for not only while you are alive, but also after your passing. I started this firm because I have dealt personally with the complications that can arise among family members if estate planning and family business succession is not properly handled, and wanted to make sure I could prevent those same issues from happening to you.  

My firm's mission is to provide your family a legacy for generations to come, while simultaneously reassuring you and your family members that your hopes and values will continue through your effective estate planning. Our customized estate planning design process allows us to learn about you and your family, design a plan that will ensure all of your values are reflected, and secure the legacy you wish to leave behind. To learn more about how I can help you carry on your values to your loved ones for generations to come, click here to schedule a free consultation.

Contact Us Today

Legacy Planning is committed to answering your questions about Estate Planning issues in Scranton and Eastern Pennsylvania. We offer consultations and we'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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