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Tips For Increasing A Small Business’ Online Presence

Posted by Scott Lynett, Esq. | Jun 08, 2022 | 0 Comments

In today's digital-everything world, nearly every business—no matter how small—has some degree of online presence. Some, like e-commerce shops, may operate completely online, while even brick and mortar businesses likely have a website and Facebook account. However, unless you're an online-marketing guru, building your business' online presence can be challenging. Here, we'll offer valuable tips for maximizing your online operations, so your company can thrive and grow in the web marketplace.

Be Unique

When it comes to e-commerce, you're competing with businesses around the world, so your web services should stand out by offering something unique. What will attract customers away from your competitors' websites and toward yours? A website and/or app that speaks to your unique brand is a must, otherwise your business will get lost amidst the sea of other businesses.

One key thing to remember is many people shop online for convenience. So make sure you're not only offering a unique product, but you're also making the shopping experience quick and easy for customers. A few examples of this are an easy-to-navigate e-store, quick shipping options, and superior customer service.

Be Consistent

Whether you're found only online or boast other retail outlets, your company's brand and message need to be clearly communicated at every step. It's vital you create a winning brand identity and stick with it, no matter where a customer encounters your company. To this end, your website, app, social media, and/or physical aesthetic should be consistent as much as possible.

Such consistency develops a more uniform experience that customers will become familiar with and remember. This builds brand recognition and repeat business, as people are more likely to seek out companies they recognize and are comfortable with. A uniform style is what allows even small-scale businesses to stand out and thrive on a global scale.

Keep Fulfillment Standards High

If you have a fulfillment partner that packs and ships your products or you outsource some other business service, it's essential these vendors offer the same high-quality service as you. If a customer's online shopping experience is awesome, but their shipment takes weeks to arrive and/or is damaged when it gets there, you've likely lost a customer.

Be Everywhere

There are myriad online marketing options to take advantage of to get your brand and message out there. Whether it's e-newsletters, Facebook, Twitter, online ads, or traditional advertising, it's critical to stay in the front of a customer's mind, so whenever her or she wants to make a purchase, you're just a click away.

These e-tools are also an ideal way to engage customers with marketing campaigns—sales, promotions, and VIP services—as well as keep them updated on company news, like the opening of a new location or launch of a new product.

If you're serious about growing your digital footprint, you're going to need to ensure your legal systems are in compliance, with up-to-date privacy policies, terms of service, and data management systems. To ensure you've got what you need, begin by sitting down with us. We can help you identify opportunities for growth and put valuable legal and financial protections in place to ensure  the online part of your venture is both secure, in compliance, and competitive in the global marketplace.

We offer a complete spectrum of legal services for businesses and can help you make the wisest choices on how to deal with your business throughout life and in the event of your death. We also offer a LIFT Start-Up Session™ or a LIFT Audit for an ongoing business, which includes a review of all the legal, financial, and tax systems you need for your business. Call us today to schedule. Or, schedule online.

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